A game-by-game diary of my attempt to play every Nintendo game. From 8-Eyes to Zombie Nation and everything in between. Even that strange Christian game where you convert people by hitting them with fruit. Just wait. You'll see.
Friday, January 20, 2006
America Daitouryou Senkyo
Ok, so it's been about a week since the last post. Leave me alone. Sometimes it takes that long for the anti-depressants to wear off enough to face this blog again. Here I am, though. I may not be regular as clockwork, but I know what side my pair is buttered on.The next pimple on the face of gaming that I've subjected myself to is America Daitouryou Senkyo. I don't know how the Japanese view America. Considering their taste in porn and video games, I'm not entirely sure that I want to know. All I care about is the fact that we spanked them pretty badly and we can do it again if we feel like the schoolgirl fetish is getting a little out of hand.That tangent aside, from what I can tell with my good friend Mr. Smirnoff translating for me and a marginally interested look at the pictures, I've got a pretty good idea that this is a game about American Politics.Important Faces in American Politics - Clockwise from UL: George "I'll worry about Saddam later" Bush. Richard "What fucking reporter?" Nixon. Jimmy "Never met a dictator I didn't like" Carter, and Jesse "This is because I'm a black man, ain't it?" Jackson. Suspiciously missing are IRS Director Freddy Kruger and J. Edgar "silky g-string" Hoover.Now for those of you not fortunate enough to be raised in the 80's a WASP is a White Anglo Saxon Protestant. And I'm guessing I just figured out exactly what the Japanese think of us, because I can say with a fair amount of certainty that they're not talking about the band.(Editor's note: I have no idea who this band is. If you want to blame somebody for what has just been inflicted on your eyes, blame google image search.)Um. Yea. Not a clue here, folks. I know you can move the little elephant right and left. For some reason it seemed more at home on the far right.There you have it. What the American flag will look like in 40 years, after the US has lost the technology race, after out military has been decimated by a string of pisspoor presidents more interested in pandering to right wing corporate whore lobbyists or left wing trehugging nutjobs than in maintaining the bastion of truth, freedom and really big guns in every home.Just wait. We're going to be paying our grocery bills in yen before too long. Mark my words.
Location: Terminus (Where All Rail Service Ends, Brother), Georgia, United States
I'm 27, a self-made oil, rail and steel tycoon whose combined income makes Bill Gates cry like a little bitch. I look like Johnny Depp, Christian Slater, or Brad Pitt, depending on which chatroom I'm in. I have a 19" prehensile penis that I use to hold my coffee while I type. I know where Jimmy Hoffa lives, and I understand the language of cats. I help old ladies cross the street and translate ethnic slurs for cuban refugees in my spare time. I sleep only one hour a night. I make ice cubes with the power of my mind. I can touch MC Hammer. I know every rivet in the Russian T-34 tank. I've advised Presidents, slept with movie stars, and can organize my sock drawer in less than 23 seconds.
And I still have time to do this blog.
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