Sunday, January 08, 2006

All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros. (SMB1 Hack)

Another day, another SMB1 hack. I know there are more idiots in the world than there are idiot SMB1 hacks, but some days I just have to wonder. And this one...just damn. Much like my workday, it starts out normally enough. Your normal average everyday joe, Sum Gie is up before then sun. And then, once again much like my job, Sum Gie gets exposed to all sorts of viciously mind-destroying creatures. The ones I run into arn't always wearing sunglasses, however. Whoever this hacker is, I want them found and incarcerated immediately. Not for creating this hack, although in my mind that's more than enough reason for immediate castration, but because he obviously has an unhealthy obsession with eyes and sunglasses. I hope he never finds this entry, because I'm certain that one day I'd wake up with my eyes in his hand and him offering me a pair of ray-bans. You can never be too careful with these video game types, you know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, that's a real SMB1 ROM hack. That Nintendo actually made. This nightmare is actually official. Here's the link to Mario Wiki:
Seriously. It's real. It's official. This is probably just the game itself.

Also, if I accidentally posted this twice, whoops.

3/14/2017 2:52 PM  

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