Killing time
So the other day I'm firing up FCE Ultra to amuse me while my brain rots. And I'm browsing through the list of old nintendo games looking for something to play. I've always got that problem. So many to play, so many I haven't played. So why not play them all, at least long enough to get an idea of what they're like. Even the really bad ones. Even though I know that for every Metroid, Zelda, Megaman or other really good game there are a hundred others that are absolute crap.
So here, my non-existant readers, is my new project. To play every Nintendo/Famicom game produced. Including the majority of hacks/public domains/tweaked/whatever. You'll get running commentary, screenshots, me begging god for a reason why I ever thought this might be a fun idea.
I wonder exactly how long this will take? Probably a lot longer than I'd like, seeing as how this gets updated when the stars align and I a) have the time, b) have the interest, and c) feel like I'm enjoying myself just a little too much.
And now for the fine print:
All games, characters, screens, ideas, images and everything else are copywrited by their individual owners. Even the really bad ones.. Any and all opinions ventured herein are the opinions of the poster and do not necessarily reflect truth, reality, or the american way. No sheep were harmed in the making of this page. Except one, but he deserved it. Do not try this at home, we are trained professionals. Friends don't let friends do things like this. There is no spoon.
I likey....we'll check in
Whoohoo!!! My first real comment of the blog!
It's a cause for celebration.
Too bad i'm at work....
December 31 2006? Who are you? Doctor Who?....good blog...doubt you'll get to play all those games though...not after April you won't...s'ok bein' married...get your socks washed n' stuff....good luck....
four dinners
As much of a Doctor Who fan as I am, the postdate is just to keep that one at the top. Sort of an introductory warning before you scroll too far down.
As for all the games? Well, I might not make it, but I'll be damned if I'm not going to try. At the rate I'm going, though, it's going to take awhile. Threre's a very large number in the Total line that I'm trying not to think about.
You know, the biggest thing that Blogger could improve on would be the ability to reply to a comment. That's the one sodding thing that I don't like about it here.
Is this blog dead? (I think so, haha.)
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