Monday, September 11, 2006

5 years ago

This isn't about the project, but I hope you'll forgive the indulgence of yet another "where was I today" post. I always remember hearing my parents talking about how they still remember exactly where they were when they heard that JFK had been shot. I always remember thinking how strange that seemed. I don't think that way anymore. When you watch events unfolding, and know that this thing, this time will impact you or the world so fiercely that it will divide everything into "before" and "after" - you don't forget that easily. Or at all.

I heard about the first plane while I was driving to work. Like most of us, I didn't think too much of it. Some damn fool's gotten himself plastered, or it's a prank. It's got to be a prank. Then the second plane hit. It wasn't a prank. I didn't have a TV at work, so I was listening to the coverege on internet radio. The thing I remember most clearly about it all, what has stuck in my memory like a barb, is the calls the radio station took from people who were in the building. Panicked calls, and the DJ reassuring them that everything was going to be OK. I didn't believe him either. The towers came down about 10 minutes after that. Whoever the caller was, I doubt they got out.

I still don't believe what the DJ said. I don't think anybody does.


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