There's a certain sense of dread that washes over me when I see a hack like this. I imagine it's the same feeling I'd get if I were given a choice between bobbing for apples in the New York sewer system or bobbing for crabs in Paris Hiltons crotch. It's not the prospect of playing yet another insipid hack that makes me want to slap a homeless person with a 2 week old steak. I've gotten used to that. It's the fact that "Ballnana" is misspelled on the title screen.

This hack of Banana (review to come later, much to my regret) offers two main differences than the original. Instead of a shortsighted mole collecting fruit to impress a girl mole and take her to the wonderful far-away land of moletopia, you're a mole with his dick hanging out of his pants who's collecting spam.

This is being done to try to impress some sort of blue-haired, winged naked mole thing who is apparently your moles object of lust.

"Your moles object of lust." I never thought I'd hear those words anywhere but on a Discovery channel blooper. And then only if I held a gun to David Attenborough's head and made him say it.
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