I'm not entirely sure how much I can say about a baseball game, even a game with rabbits for umpires.

It's pretend baseball.

(Is it just me, or is he foaming at the mouth?) You pretend to hit the ball, then pretend to run around for awhile. I still say that video games are supposed to be an escape from reality, where you're saving the world. Or sleeping with Gillian Anderson. So if playing little league baseball with rabbits for umpires is your fantasy, I'd like to recommend Thorazine and a move to Florida, with the rest of the old or insane people. Florida, where they can accurately figure out a 15% tip in 3 seconds or less, but can't manage to vote. This one ate up about 5 minutes of my time before I got bored. I'll hold out for a Bad News Frog Baseball, thank you very much.
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