Friday, May 19, 2006

Baby Dodge Ball

The dust is finally starting to settle. New job, new place, and a much bigger paycheck. Life is good and the future's so bright, I gotta wear shades (if you don't remember that song, leave. Now. You're either too young or too old to be here. If you remember the song and will now be humming it for the next 15 minutes, then you can truly count yourself a child of the 80's) With so much that's right, naturally, I turn once again to the 99 Lives Project for the recreational equivalent of plucking nasal hair. It's disgusting, it hurts, but once you start, you just can't stop. Or maybe that's just me. To get back into the swing of things, we have another hack. Baby Dodge Ball. Hacked by Sum Gie from Super Dodge Ball because, as we all know, pelting each other with giggling infants beats the hell out of nailing your penis to a wall. Nailing your penis to the wall, of course, beats the hell out of playing yet another SMB hack, but again, maybe that's just me. Despite the fact that "Pope Hentai" apparently had something to do with this hack, there is a grand total of no anime tits in this game. Plus none if you win a game. In order to discover the answer, I sent an email to whoever's at the other end of that email address so kindly provided on the title screen. "Who the hell is Pope Hentai and why are there no tits in Baby Dodge Ball?" I asked. Well, kind of. Since I was incredibly bored, I decided to run it through babelfish a couple of times first. If I've got to work to enjoy this game, he's sure as hell going to have to work to enjoy my email, god damnit. After being bounced from english to dutch to german to god knows what, it came back appropriately mangled. "I just got finished playing Baby Dodge Ball. I saw your email address on it, and wanted to ask you something. Who the hell is Pope Hentai and why are there no tits in this game?" somehow this became "were kept exactly final, in order to play the ball of the detour of the baby. I have, since its E-Mail ADDRESS above, which I eat, wanted to ask, and he you for something. Hell will be a Pope Yuentai why there and none of mésanges in this play?"

Somewhat unsuprisingly, I got no answer.
Oh, and everybody has green eyes. See what you get for throwing babies?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my god.... your the guy! i DID reply to that email that i could not understand your english. Now i know why not. feel froo to drop me another email and i may just answer your questions!

6/26/2006 4:46 PM  

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