Sunday, April 02, 2006

Austin Kung Fu (Kung Fu Hack)

When I think of Kung Fu, there are several images that spring to mind. Bruce Lee moving like lightning on speed or Sonny Chiba ripping people's heads off and generally being the baddest badass in the known universe. I do not think of Austin when I think of kung fu after I'm six hits in on one-hit-wonder superweed and wondering why I'm suddenly able to understand the language of carrots. I don't associate Austin and kung fu after I've consumed enough vodka to make my blood flammable and convince my Russian friend that I might be able to drink at the red table after all. I don't think of Austin period. Who the fuck is Austin? Apparently this is Austin. Bald headed fuckmunch ninja elf, get off my nintendo and let me get to the next game.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the "Austin" you are referring to is "Stone Cold Steve Austin," one of the classic wrestlers in the WWE.

6/02/2006 9:18 AM  

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