Thursday, March 09, 2006


First Kanomi betrays me with that awful Bayou Billy game, now SNK stabs me in the back with Athena. Much to my everlasting regret, I played this game while completely sober. I now have a new appreciation and enjoyment of severe massive head trauma. I also have two pencils and a cigarette lighter that will have to be surgically removed from my forehead, so I'm taking donations. Not for the surgery, but for alcohol to ensure that things like that don't happen again.
I've been told that there is, actually a plot to this game. I've also been told that unicorns exist and that "It's just a rash". Apparently Athena is bored. Yea. Me too. I can't believe I spent time playing this. That's 15 minutes I could have spent abusing myself to photoshopped pics of Britney Spears when she was hot. I'll never get that time back again.


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