Sunday, March 05, 2006

Astro Robo Sasa

For some reason, game designers seem to think that if you take a piece of crap and tack "astro" to the beginning of it, it will suddenly become less of a piece of crap. This is blatantly untrue and this game is proof.
Once again, I suppose I ought to be thankful that I get some warning signs upfront. In this case, it's the fact that the game was made by a company that chose the name "ASCII" to denote exactly how cutting edge they are. I should be thankful. I'm not. I've had more fun looking at ASCII porn. Here. You try. First, the cow.
Now. ASCII Porn. For the sake of your screen, I'll just provide a link.

Now, see. Which would you rather stare at for 10 minutes? I vote a third option. I'd rather watch my ceiling disolve into an alcohol-induced wonderland complete with Allyson Hannigan, naked. But I'm a dedicated man on a mission, not to mention the victim of a severe 8-bit masochism. I kept playing.
The things I do for you people....


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