Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Arkista's Ring

Arkista's Ring is one of those games that couldn't really decide exactly which kind of game it wanted to rip off. Playing the end result is kind of like being married to Anna Nichole Smith - there comes a point where you just finally give in and start drinking too. Except this game doesn't make me want to stick my penis in a bandsaw, so it's not completely the same.
It's like someone took Zelda, took all the good bits out, then threw in with Lolo and the Joy of Masturbation with a Belt Sander, put it all in a blender and then took a giant crap on it.
Served straight up with a bunch of other things that I don't care to relive, as I am currently at work and don't with to feel any dirtier than I already do.


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