Sunday, February 05, 2006

ArchRivals - A Basket Brawl

Now I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with reese on this one. This pile of dogsqueeze contains less playable entertainment than Adventures in the Magic Kingdom. Perhaps that's because it's a game about basketball, and I'm of the opinion that watching basketball is about as exciting as watching golf. Or watching slugs mate.
It's definitely less exciting than watching slugs mate in a maze full of salt, I'll tell you that.
"Control" might be too strong a word here. I tried to "control" Sum Gie for the better part of a half hour with very limited success. Then I tried to "control" him after three shots of 151. Then, one last time, I tries this whole "control" thing using my left foot and the neighbors cat. Each time, I got roughly the same score.
I'd like to point out that the above picture was not modified or altered in any way, shape, form or fashion. The guys on the left were not placed in a compromising position. This was certainly not an adolescent attempt to get a cheap laugh. At all.


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