Saturday, January 21, 2006

Angry Marionao (SMB1 Hack)

Here I was, enjoying my addled reminisces of the 80's, American Gladiators and hair bands when I look at the next game on deck and all of a sudden, once again, I've been mugged on memory lane. That's right. Yet another SMB1 hack. This one is a pretty comprehensive hack, the levels have been completely changed. Most of the characters are the same, including the constipated turtle. I actually played this one for a little longer than I intended to. Not because I was getting any actual enjoyment out of it, but because I wanted to see if there were any scenes of a constipated Mario too. Or maybe a scene where he contracts ebola and his insides turn to liquid shit. Alas, no. Just more of the same, just a bunch of really strange levels Won't someone do a "Mario Gets Ebola" hack? Please? Anyone?


Blogger Sarah said...

This is nuts man. Im only on level 1-2. Anyidea as to how many levels tthis has?

8/25/2020 8:35 PM  

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