Sunday, December 04, 2005

Adventures in the Magic Kingdom

Some people believe that Disney is controlled by the illumanati who use subliminal images to plant mind-controlling suggestions in the brains of helpless 4 year olds watching Ariel try not to hump the prince in "the Little Mermaid". These suggestions cause these children to grow up voting Democrat and believing that Welfare isn't so bad.

I don't buy it. This game is why. If the Illumanati were in control of Disney, allowing the release of this game would never have happened. Unless it's a distraction. But I didn't see any subliminal hints in the time that I played (VOTE FOR HILLARY!!!!! *twitch* *twitch*)

This game really is about as dull as watching goldfish fuck, so instead of playing the game and answering some gay questions proving how much I know about Disney, I've decided to rewrite a few screens. Hope you enjoy.

Ahhhh. I can almost hear the shoes of the Disney lawyers coming up the stairs now...


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