Thursday, December 01, 2005

AD&D- Dragons of Flame

In case you haven't noticed by the last couple of posts, I have my partner in crime. Misery loves company and all that. void_pointer is my own personal Mephistopheles and Tyler Durden all rolled into one, except he's real and I have the property damage to prove it. I have hereby decreed that my posts shall be in red, so that when I'm blind drunk and wanting to find something I wrote that I've deluded myself into thinking was particularly clever, I won't look at something he wrote and feel the urge to slam a sharpened pencil into my ear.

I used to be a D&Der, so I was kind of looking forward to these games. I also didn't get laid until I was 25. So let that be a lesson to you. The very act of playing D&D will change you bodily chemistry and cause you to emit a singular non-pheromone that causes any female within 40 yards with more than three teeth to run away from you and go fuck someone who wears routinely wears a jock strap . It never fails.
Case in point. Immediately upon pressing Start both my girl cats ran to the other side of the room and started humping a pair of aggro skates. And I've got, like, five of these fucking games to go through.
I missed the screenshot where Tanis turns to that short little fucker with the slingshot and beats him viciously about the head and neck for leaving the oven on. The rest of the games makes no sense whatsoever, and apparently revolves around your coloured blob running into other coloured blobs which results in a fight between several larger coloured blobs:

And occasionally to talk to Dr. Livingston

*sighs* I'm going to go wash my hands now.


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