What the hell is it with this string of Japanese games. And why the hell are they all so bad? Perhaps they never got translated to English because they make NO FUCKING SENSE WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!! Take this one, for example:

"Look son. That's the planet where our game designers come from. The air is made from pure mescaline, and all the water is whiskey, and absolutely everyone is crazy as a shithouse rat."

There were several scenes like this. Apparently in this one the young girl has just received either a love letter from the guy in green, or a death threat, I'm not entirely sure which.

If this is the face Sum Gie wears in this game, I'm guessing it's a death threat. He looks like the kind of kid that sits at home sticking needles into stuffed animals.

Then there was some part where Sum Gie had to climb a bunch of steps with various produce items in them. Strange. Very strange.
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