I'm not entirely sure what it is about the Japanese that makes it seem like they've got a permanent acid IV drip. But they do. One of these days I'm going to start bothering to do animations of some of these title screens, but for the moment I'm too lazy, so go out and see it for yourself. You're reading this, so obviously you have no more life than I do, and I'm sitting playing a game that starts out with bouncing jelly horses. This goes beyond asking "What the fuck were the designers thinking?" and into the realm of "Dear sweet zombie Christ, where can I get what they were smoking?"

Made by....super mega and Idea Tek. Ok, well, the world had just been through the 80's, and we were all still a little buzzed off the cocaine, so I guess we can excuse that. But the bouncing jelly horses...make them stop....please....

We're next introduced to one of the bouncing jelly horses and we realize that FUCK! IT'S ONE OF THE HORSES OF THE APOCALYPSE!!!!!!!!! And it looks like he's a robot. I wonder if he's jelly too?

So here we have the various robotic jelly horsemen of the apocalypse racing against each other. In the lower side of the screen? That's me. Crying.
That is all.
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