Saturday, November 19, 2005

The 3-D Battles of World Runner

To start off this harebrained attempt at doing something entertaining, we've got "The 3-D Adventures of World Runner"

I honestly think that if I had been forced to start with a sports game this whole idea would have never gotten off the ground. No worries, the pain of 10-yard-fight is just around the corner.

No this games goes in the proud Japanese tradition of our hero, Sum Gie, taking too much acid and jumping around a lot. No. Seriously.

Not a bad game to start off with, all things considered. Surprisingly addictive, all things considered. You've even got this really neat 3D effect that you can use. After all, they didn't want you to feel like you got ripped off if you bought a game with #D in the title and there wasn't some sort of epileptic-fit inducing mode, now would they? I'd show you what it's like, but it's way too late to do an animation.

The game was decent At least up until the last couple of levels, which made me want to stab my eyes out with chopsticks. Standard old-school adventure game, just with lots of jumping and Japanese acid.

And these guys -

I'm not entirely sure who/what these are supposed to be. A blue Tic-Tac with ears and a skirt is my guess.

I'm going to go drink more now.


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