Sunday, November 20, 2005

3D Block

Hey. Cool. Only my second game in and right from the get go I can tell that we've got one of the infamous porn/hentai games that seemed to make it up on the NES from time to time. Now, I'm just as sick and sad as the rest of the sick, sad people who want to be able to say that they've played every single NES game at least once. And some of these games are pretty bad, so I'm all up for seeing some badly rendered 8-bit titties to break the monotony. It's not like I'm planning to jack off to this or anything.


Anyway, so I go into this looking for the lithe young woman in stiletto heels that was promised me on the title screen. I know that my initial expectations were a little high, and that by playing this game she wouldn't magically be transported to my bedroom where she would wait, wearing only those stiletto hee....*ahem* Sorry.

No such luck. Turns out this game is some strange demented attempt to use Stiletto Heel Girl to convince strange demented people like me to attempt to play some strange demented form of 3D Tetris and kill themselves. See for yourself:

This game makes me hate this project already.



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