I'm sorry to say that I think this insult to existence, might make another appearance later on as
Zombie Nation and once again make me hate myself. But that's at the other end of the alphabet and many, many bottles of vodka later, so I'm hoping that the charred remains of my mind will have forgotten it by then. That way I can relive the suffering ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, down to the game.

Apparently wicked sorcerers have reanimated Cyrano de Bergerac and have enlisted his nose in the fight against humanity. Only trouble is... all that they could get was just his face. So Mr. Kielbasa-Nose only has a head and he flies around town destroying buildings and causing carnage. Something like that.

I was amazingly drunk when I was playing this, so I can't really remember. That's probably a good thing. Now apparently at some point someone
actually took the time to hack this cancerous rat's ballsack of a game and turned Nose-Like-A-Fucking-Maypole

Into Fidel Castro:

And my girlfriend tells me that
I have too much time on my hands.
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