Friday, November 25, 2005

The Addams Family

I've never found a movie that was translated into a playable video game. I don't think a video game of a movie actually exists that doesn't suck worse that Paris Hilton. Speaking of which, you should check out "House of Wax" -- Paris Hilton gets a giant metal pole shoved through her head. My amusement was palpable. Back to the game:

I didn't play this for very long. Even I couldn't justify wasting that amount of time. But I have to say, even for 8 bit standards thisis an unfortunate misuse of the colour orange. I dated a girl once who downed a bottle of robitussen and declared war on the colour orange. I don't blame her. As for their interpretation of Roul Julia, well.... I went out and took all of 14 seconds to find the scariest picture of Roul Julia that I could find. Now compare this:

To this:

Well, at least he wasn't a giant orange blob, like Sum Gie is in a few of the later games. Just wait, we'll get there. Some day. After all, I'm making decent time. I'm through the numbers and up to the AD's. Although that means that there are more AD&D games in the near future. I'm not entirely sure I can stomach that...


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