A game-by-game diary of my attempt to play every Nintendo game. From 8-Eyes to Zombie Nation and everything in between. Even that strange Christian game where you convert people by hitting them with fruit. Just wait. You'll see.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
AD&D - Hillsfar
Another D&D game. Just slam that eight inch anal probe into the side of my head and get it over with, for gods sake. Please? Anyone?Hillsfar. Now in D&D mythology, Hillsfar is kingdom on the eastern side of Ionno, and is populated by the Clavamoxians, a small while race of pill-shaped people from beyond the stars. Actually, I just made that up, but it makes about as much sense as the rest of this, so to hell with it. Honestly, though, this game didn't make me feel the same urge for self-mutilation as the other ones did. It was a completely different urge for self-mutilation. I will say, though, that at least the game designers took a break from fantasizing about Japanese schoolgirls and actually included some variety. You have the standard top-down:Yea, falling to the floor sound asleep sounds pretty damn good right now. There's actually a fairly inventive and cool lockpick system here too:Which I had some fun with. But the most entertaining part of this game is the horseback ride that you have to take to get from place to place.I think I spent more time enjoying this part, not because it was any more entertaining than the breaking and entering, but because of what happens when you ride your horse into something.And there you have your first animation. p|-|33r |\/|Y LEe+ 5KiLLZ n00B$!
Location: Terminus (Where All Rail Service Ends, Brother), Georgia, United States
I'm 27, a self-made oil, rail and steel tycoon whose combined income makes Bill Gates cry like a little bitch. I look like Johnny Depp, Christian Slater, or Brad Pitt, depending on which chatroom I'm in. I have a 19" prehensile penis that I use to hold my coffee while I type. I know where Jimmy Hoffa lives, and I understand the language of cats. I help old ladies cross the street and translate ethnic slurs for cuban refugees in my spare time. I sleep only one hour a night. I make ice cubes with the power of my mind. I can touch MC Hammer. I know every rivet in the Russian T-34 tank. I've advised Presidents, slept with movie stars, and can organize my sock drawer in less than 23 seconds.
And I still have time to do this blog.
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