Sunday, February 05, 2006

Arena Mario (SMB1 Hack)

I don't know who this "Marc" person is who splashed his name all over this hack, but I hope you'll join me in cursing his name to the skies and all that's holy. This is the exact same cocksmoking, shitpit level that I've seen in about seventeen thousand hacks so far. I want to find these people, tie them up on the road, and "accidentally" back over them with my car 5 or 6 times. If I just skipped over every pathetic SMB1 hack, this project would probably be a hell of a lot shorter and a whole hell of a lot more pleasant. Buuuuuuuut no. I started this with the promise that I'm going to play all of them, and I will. I'm doing this all for you. I'm submitting myself to this torture for your amusement. I hope you're thankful. Except for you, Marc. Fuck you.


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