Sunday, March 26, 2006

Atomic Robo-Kid Demo

I'm quite familiar with wasting time. This project, for instance, is one of the most keenly honed absolute wastes of time that I have yet conceived, outranked only be the time I attempted to masturbate to The Sound Of Music. That outranks this as a total waste of time, but this is a close second. I now stand, however, in the presence of a waste of time that is so spectacular, so mind-numbingly wanton in its prodigal nature that I can simply pause in awe. This is the first of the demo roms. These aren't hacks, they aren't games, all they are is ... well... here, let me just show you. There. That's it. That's all it does. You know what, fuck this shit. I'm going to go find that copy of "The Sound of Music" again. Julie Andrews is no Gillian Anderson, by any means, but hey... I'd bang her. Oh, shit. Well, maybe the Mary Poppins image might not have been the best choice. How about......this one. This is more MILFy... I'm going to stop now before I convince my 2 readers that I really am disturbed and need to be put away for some serious, serious counseling.


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