Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Athletic World

Today I am full of hate. And cheese. It's very cheesy hate. Like pizza. Only bigger. Now that I've got that off my chest, I present you with *drumroll please* "Athletic World". Presented to you by our good friends at Bandai, those wonderful people who brought us the art and literacy of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. If you, dear reader, choose to take this moment to stab your eyes out with a pencil, I won't blame you once. You don't want to stab your eyes out today? Ok, well, don't say I didn't warn you. Once again, a game that encourages you to go outside and get some exercise by encouraging you to sit inside and play it. Does anyone beside me NOT get this? Well, in the interests of journalistic masochism, and because I really really hate myself today, I'm going to play along. Ok. I got to this screen, where I was able to enjoy the massive cerebral stimulation of racing 12 feet against a turtle. I have to say, though, after only 15 minutes of playing this game, I feel like a new man. This man. Want that pencil yet?


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