While I'll be the first one to say that I certainly appreciate the idea of stapling balloons to Mario, I think that it's starting to get a little out of hand. As in, completely out of hand. As in, please stop. Now. Once again, someone's taken time and effort that could have been much more productively spent plucking nasal hair and used it on a hack of that SMB1 level that I've come to know and love so well. The same Level zero, the same path, the only difference is that Mario's got balloons.

Try to swim up and he tries to float through the ceiling. There are mathematical proofs that this becomes entertaining only after you turn the game off and attempt to recreate the same stunt with local children, but it's almost time to go pour myself a glass of Mr. Smirnoff's pantented liquid xanax so I'm not going to bother now.
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