Sunday, December 11, 2005

Adventures of Ice Mario (SMB1 Hack)

So the other day, I finally went through and got a general count of how many games I'm looking at for this project. Final count, give or take a few duplicates is around 3,100 games.

After the doctors pumped my stomach and released me from mandatory suicide counseling, I looked at that number again. Over three thousand games, including unlicensed, Asian, and hacks. I'm setting up the fund for hiring a hitman on me right now, I'll get all the details to you later. Trust me, by donating you'll be doing me a favour.
Thankfully, this hack doesn't involve a penis running around, or, worse yet, Mario with an afro (that particular punishment for my sins is coming up shortly)
The only change that I could tell with this one is that instead of the bouncing fireballs, Mario shoots balls of ice.

I've literally spent the last 15 minutes trying to think of something funny to say about this and I'm failing. Miserably.

Three thousand games.

I think I probably killed some nuns in a past life. That's why this is happening.


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