Saturday, December 30, 2006

Killing time

I've never been known for my wonderful ideas. There was the catapault I wanted to build on the side of Lake Lanier, for instance. The US Army Corps of Engineers wouldn't have been too happy about that one, I can tell you.

So the other day I'm firing up FCE Ultra to amuse me while my brain rots. And I'm browsing through the list of old nintendo games looking for something to play. I've always got that problem. So many to play, so many I haven't played. So why not play them all, at least long enough to get an idea of what they're like. Even the really bad ones. Even though I know that for every Metroid, Zelda, Megaman or other really good game there are a hundred others that are absolute crap.

So here, my non-existant readers, is my new project. To play every Nintendo/Famicom game produced. Including the majority of hacks/public domains/tweaked/whatever. You'll get running commentary, screenshots, me begging god for a reason why I ever thought this might be a fun idea.


I wonder exactly how long this will take? Probably a lot longer than I'd like, seeing as how this gets updated when the stars align and I a) have the time, b) have the interest, and c) feel like I'm enjoying myself just a little too much.

And now for the fine print:

All games, characters, screens, ideas, images and everything else are copywrited by their individual owners. Even the really bad ones.. Any and all opinions ventured herein are the opinions of the poster and do not necessarily reflect truth, reality, or the american way. No sheep were harmed in the making of this page. Except one, but he deserved it. Do not try this at home, we are trained professionals. Friends don't let friends do things like this. There is no spoon.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Bandit Kings of Ancient China

It's been said that happiness is like a butterfly. Chase it and it will elude you. Ignore it and it will land softly on your shoulder, where you can crush it into multicolored goo much more easily. I might say the same about Bandit Kings of Ancient China. If you've wondered where I had gotten to, and I know you have, I've been off trying to write this review. For three months, I've been sitting down, firing up Nestopia and Open Office, and staring at them. Blankly. And occasionally weeping.

I couldn't figure out what to say about this game. I understand that there's some strategy to it, and that I was trying to do something to get somewhere and do something else, but I just. couldn't. do it. I don't even have any decent screenshots for you guys, simply because there wasn't anything even remotely interesting to take a picture of. It was all menus. Nothing but endless sets of endless menus. I've never been faced with a less entertaining waste of an hour and a half (and yes, I did attempt to play it that long). I was sure I was missing something. No. Just menus. And an occasional map with blinking dots.

It was like a slightly more advanced and entertaining Linux installation script.

There was some sort of a plot, but after banging my head against this one for so long, I've quite honestly forgotten what it might be. So I'll make one up for you.

You play Jack Kevorkian, an alchemist who was sent back to the past by a Bandit King, who was really a Time Agent from the far future. As Jack, it becomes your responsibility to destroy the future by making sure that ancient China never grows up to be an economic superpower, thus robbing the world of Wal-Mart.

Or something along those lines.